
Thursday, October 7

The week that was...

It was quite the week here chez bunny. We started of great last weekend. First a fabulous wedding party from friends, an upgrade to a Royal Suite in the hotel we were staying (and it really was Royal!) and a visit to a wonderful museum with a sculpture garden on a beautiful autumn day. But then our luck ran out and my oldest daughter broke her wrist Sunday evening (but we found out Tuesday morning) and today my bicycle (with kids bike seat) was stolen. Nothing too dramatic but enough make the balance wobble a bit.*sigh*

O.k.on to the Embroidery Stitch Challenge! I had hoped to get a bit more suggestions for stitches so please leave a comment here (or on Facebook or in the FTWB Embroidery Group on Flickr) if you have interesting stitches for me to explore!.Tomorrow I will be back to announce the stitch I'm going to tackle over the weekend.

And don't forget to check out this months very special 'Three times cozy' Package Deal in my Etsy shop!


  1. Hmmm, let's see...what about a chained featherstitch, Cretan stitch, wheat-ear stitch, or rosette chain-stitch? I don't use very many stitches myself but I'd love to see what you come up with!

    I'm very excited to have my first (very simple) embroidery pattern coming out in FQ soon; it's actually a component to a larger project but I'm pretty happy with it!

  2. So sorry for your run of bad luck, hope your daughter is mending well. :)

    It looks close to me on the map (but maybe not), in January my daughter will be headed your way, to Belgium, yikes! She'll be going with my sister and is so excited!

  3. Oh dear - poor Zoe! I hope she is okay. I've broken my wrist before too on my one and only attempt at snow skiing. Actually to call it skiing is a bit of an exaggeration because I was only trying to stand. Very sporty I am. ;-)

  4. Aw rats, I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's wrist and about your bike :(.

    Have you all started decorating your daughter's cast?

  5. Well the cast is blue and will be replaced wednesday so I thought I'd save my artwork for the 'real' cast. Her friends at school already managed to write their names on it though :)


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