
Friday, December 16

Polar Bear Dreams...

Look what I found when I was sorting my crafty try-out version of the Polar Bear Dreams Ornament Pattern. Not perfect (as you can clearly see a gap between the head of the polar bear and his quilted blanket) but too sweet to chuck out. :)  This Sleepy Polar Bear stars on the cover of the book that I promised I wouldn't mention again until Spring. If you really need to know you can find it in the sidebar on the right. ;)

I wonder if this Polar Bear is dreaming of launching a really great e-zine for Stitchers around the world? Oh wait...that's what I'm doing at the moment!

 Carina and I are putting the final touches to a fun new publication we are releasing together as a dynamic (?) Dutch/Danish Duo in January! It's an ezine called &Stitches and it will be full of stitchy goodness: patterns, interviews with stitchers etc. Check our &Stitches blog for updates/sneak peeks in the next couple of weeks!

Besides my work on &Stitches there is still so much to do before Christmas! I have no Christmas tree yet and hardly any decorations up. Last year around this time we had lots of snow which makes it so much easier to get in the mood to put up Holiday decorations! I wonder how people in Australia (or any other place where it's summer right now) deal with that...


  1. Live that little bear! I think I might have to make one to put on my wall. So about this Christmas thing...when I was in OZ it felt like Christmas when it got really hot. I guess when you don't know any better what else do you have to go on :)

  2. Oh how exciting! (and what a brilliant idea!) Can't wait to see it. :-)
    As for Christmas in summer - if that's what you're used to , then that's what Christmas is. I once had a winter Christmas (in Canada), and it felt so strange. It really didn't feel like Christmas at all to me.

  3. Such a sweet sleepy bear ~ love it!

  4. Oh, he is ever so sweet! Maybe you could just fill in the gap with some white satin stitch? Or the collar of some pajammas or something? I'm so excited about &Stitches! I went straight over and started following the blog and the twitter feeds. Yay Nicole & Carina!! Two of my favorite stitchers doing something awesome! Congratulations!!


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