
Saturday, July 27

Fat Quarterly Retreat London 2013 (2)

English Paper Piecing with Katy
(Find part one of my Fat Quarterly Retreat recap here)

On Saturday I first attended a stamp carving class with Tacha. I had no idea I had so little talent for this particular craft. I'm not sure if I can blame my headache (which sadly lasted all day) but the result (a wonky owl with one eye) was not great to say the least... Maybe I will try stamp carving again in the privacy of my own home ;)

In the afternoon I had an English Paper Piecing class called Triangle City with Katy. There was lots of chatting and giggling during that session. I forgot to bring paper templates and after the one and half hour session only managed to sew a rectangle on a hexagon.  I have made some more progress in the past few days though! When it's finished it should look something like this.

In the evening there was a 'Quilt Market', where attendees and professional shops had stalls with handmade goodies and fabric. It was hard to restrain myself from buying lots, especially from the fabulous selection of the Eternal Maker! I bought some Liberty Fat Quarters (check out how they folded it in a star shape) from Fabrics Galore and Echino and Melody Miller from the Eternal Maker. Later that evening there was a raffle but unfortunately I didn't win.

After a good night's sleep (and a fabulous cappucino and brioche from nearby bakery Paul) I went to Brioni's Cathedral Windows Class. The great thing about Cathedral Windows is (once you know how to ingeniously fold your fabric and sew it together) that you end up with a finished quilt!

Brioni's awesome Cathedral Window Quilt

Not sure if there is a whole Cathedrals Window Quilt in my future but surely I can manage a cushion cover or a wallhanging or something? Again I was quite slow but was happy to have learned a new technique. Brioni was very patient with me and a great teacher. I'm looking forward to her book (about using pre-cuts like jelly rolls etc) that is out soon!

In the afternoon, Carina and I met up with Sami and Julie and the four of us embroidered and chatted together in the garden of the Victoria & Albert Museum. That was such a lovely get together that I'm a little sad I don't live closer to these ladies so we can do this on a regular basis...

I almost forgot to mention the lovely goodie bag (thank you sponsors!) we received at the start of the Retreat! It was a Liberty bag filled with lovely goodies like fabric, thread and haberdashery and you will find a nice overview here. Over the weekend I received some more treats: a cool Irish themed headband from John (Quiltdad) for when I'm out running, yummy candy from Carina and lovely Hedgehog socks from Julie! Thank you all so much!

Another lovely surprise was this embroidery that Ann brought to the Retreat to show me. It's from my Apple Tree pattern and I think she did a great job and I got all teary eyed when I saw it. :)


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and I love your photos! Hopefully I can meet you there next year?!

  2. Great photos Nicole - and how fab to see one of your own patterns stitched up so beautifully!

  3. You're so welcome! And thank you too! And I agree - such a lovely afternoon out, it's really sad we four can't have stitchy afternoons in the garden all the time!! :)

  4. I could not resist those Liberty 'stars' either!! x

  5. Ah... this looks like heaven!! Lucky girl!


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