
Monday, February 10

Lego Man: a trusty assistant

lego man floss

During the winter it can be hard to make good photos for my the blog and my class because of the lack of natural daylight. But this afternoon it was not too dark and grey so I immediately got the camera out to take some photos. I'm lucky to have my trusty assistant 'Lego man' (Luna calls him 'Hair loss man' because he keeps losing his hair) to hold the various flosses. Here he's testing the nap of the floss with his right hand. :) 


  1. LOL! Too funny. & perfect because the Lego Movie came out (here anyway) this weekend. I don't think I have an assistant, though our cat helps my mother quilt.

    1. I think it's in the cinemas here as well. My cats are often very 'helpful' as well ;)

  2. I love this! :)
    We're crazy about Lego at our house too.

    1. Thanks! My youngest daughter (8) suddenly got into Lego when we gave her one of the 3 in 1 Creator sets. She likes working with a plan :)

  3. I work with a magnetic lego superman overseeing every stitch I make from the side of my filling cabinet.


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