
Friday, February 7

This week: silk thread and how I work


This week this seriously luscious floss arrived in the mail. It's Soie D'Alger Silk Embroidery Thread and at GBP 3.15 (over 5$) per 5 meter skein I only allowed myself to just buy a few skeins. If I really (like: realy, really) like this thread I can always gradually add more to my stash.  


The colours of this 7 stranded floss are beautiful (at least the ones I chose) and it's amazingly soft. I did a little try out yesterday on my long running 'Bear & Fish' project (the flower in the background) but thought my shading looked a bit chunky so I need to experiment a bit more to be able to give you the full verdict on this floss. I do think it is quite easy to work with it, comparable with regular six stranded embroidery thread. 

Earlier this week I was featured on the Mr. X. Stitch blog.  The lovely Olisa interviewed me about my inspirations and my design (and stitch) process. Hope you will enjoy reading about how I work. :) 


  1. Try 60/2 nm silk from the handweavers studio instead, similar thread count, smaller range of colours, much, much smaller price

    1. Thank you for the tip! For shading it is nice to have a large selection of shades (and colours) to choose from but I will look into it!

  2. Gorgeous thread, gorgeous colours! The Mr X Stitch interview was a wonderful read! Cx

  3. Great interview and I still haven't signed up as we will be away for most if April. How will this affect me?? Xxx

    1. Thanks! It's no problem if you can't start right away. In April we'll be mainly explaining about supplies and gathering supplies. The site will be available for at least 3 months (until the end of June) so you can work at a slower place if you prefer. :)

  4. O ja, dit is zulk heerlijk garen! Ik koop hier af en toe een paar strengetjes:,600/index.htm

  5. This is the same silk thread I'm using for my Eels embroidery project, almost finished now. I find it dreamy to stitch with - as long as my hands are silky smooth as well! But I've spun silk into yarn before so I'm used to making sure to scrub and lotion up my hands before starting - tiny silk fibers sticking to every invisible flaw on your hands! :)


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