
Saturday, February 1

Nearly Finished Finish Along Project & Winner Giveaway


Not a lot of progress on my Finish Along Project in the past weeks, mainly because I had the flu (or something similar) for a full week and wasn't able to do much at all. I did add the second paw though and more 'filling' on the face. Right now I'm working on getting the quills right. 

For my next project, besides the Polar Bear I'm stitching for my online class and a rather large contribution for a publication, I will try and make a Tiny Bird Portrait. I loved reading all the Bird suggestions in the comments on the Giveaway Post. So many good ideas, thank you all!

So now onto the winner of the Giveaway. As usual I let the Random Number Generator do it's thing. It chose comment 54 as winner which is DH, congratulations! I will contact you soon. 


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so excited! I love your work and your patterns. Congratulations on your five year anniversary! Dawn

  2. It's a really wonderful embroidery :)
    Congratulations to DH.


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