Thursday, May 14


Hibernating bears posted in the Follow the White Bunny Flickr group so far. Of course the weird green one is mine :D The one next to it is by Bookwormbethie and is embroidered on a hankie! The Pink Bear is embroidered by Cathy who also has made her own lovely pattern of a Birdie on a Chandelier. Georgia is still working on her bear, but I'm sure it will turn out perfect as always!

No Sunday stash this Sunday because I'm off to Holland for a few days!


  1. Ahhh, I wouldn't be too sure about that. Bridget told me this afternoon thatit is a bear-sheep, and I think she might be right!

  2. these are great! i love the green color choices you made

  3. thanks for sharing my picture! what a nice collage!


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