Sunday, July 5

Sunday stash #9 Floss Bouquet

No worries, this is not all of my floss, just my recently ordered skeins! :) As soon as I find my embroidery cards I will add them to the rest of the floss family. I invested in a lot of browns this time because I found I had a serious lack of those in my floss stash. I also need to buy another box because I'm afraid my current box cannot hold all of my floss with these 50 added.

Thanks for all your thoughts on my shop name, I think I will keep the shop name as it is for now. On Etsy it's easy to change your shop name, but you can't change your user name. I chose my Etsy name, Kloin, when I had no intentions of selling only buying so I didn't think about it too long. Kloin is my nickname from my teens, it's an anagram of Nicole in alternative spelling (Nikol). All the other names I use have at least a Bunny connection: Polka Dot Bunny (Flickr and Crafster), Chezbunny (in my Flickr photostream url) and Follow Bunny (Twitter). Why Bunny I hear your ask? My husbands last name has 'Bunny' or 'Rabbit' in it in Dutch.


  1. i seem to have a soft spot for floss photos, all the colours are so pretty

  2. Ah, there is nothing like new supplies! Have fun!

  3. My floss doesn't look that cute or sound that organised! A job for tomorrow? :)

  4. pretty floss picture and good explanation about kloin and the bunny name :)

  5. nice additions!
    i just added to my stash twice this week because of a good sale.
    how do you store yours???
    and how do you keep track of the ones you have??

  6. Usually I go to the DMC site and choose some colours and check the numbers on my embroidery cards with floss in my floss-box if I'm running out of certain flosses. But since I wrote this post I made a list of all the flosses I have so I can keep track of what colours I already own. I've got about 25 'double' skeins of floss now! Time for a give a way maybe?


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