Sunday, May 3

Sunday stash # 2 Katie Jump Rope Blues

I've got the Katie Jump Rope Blues! I know it sounds depressing but they are actually very lovely! And I've got the Katie Jump Rope Greens and Oranges too, so all is well ;) Saving them for my 'Favourite things' quilt later this year! Took the opportunity to show off my Cherry Blossom Doe Pillowcase too :)


  1. loving that pillowcase! i like the stripes and dots fabric, super cute.

  2. Oh, those dont make me blue either! the pillowcase is pretty!

  3. Oh look - you have a blog now. How'd that pass me by?
    Katie Jump Rope is amazing, isn't it? I still haven't got any flea market fancy though, which I should get before it disappears forever....I'll do it right now.....


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