Friday, June 12

By popular demand...

Well you've asked for it....check out this hen! Sure it may not look so bad to you. But it certainly doesn't suit my retro 30's-50's inspired interior! I don't think it wants to move the Holland either. ; )


  1. hahaha - I think it does want to move to Holland - it will LOVE Holland, and will look amazing in your new home (honest!) ;)

  2. Sorry for that, I really couldn't spell there for a minute! Just wanted to say I like her colors!

  3. Maybe you could add a poodle skirt and she'd be 1950s. :-D I like her.

  4. Well thanks ladies but despite your pro-hen comments I still feel the same about her! Katy, I have a strong feeling she wants to be with you (honest!) She will keep you company while you make quilts, hold the door for you etc etc.


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